Turner Signs Department of Commerce’s Million Women in Construction Community Pledge

Turner Construction Company Signs Department of Commerce’s Million Women in Construction Community Pledge: A Milestone in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

In a groundbreaking move that underscores its commitment to diversity and inclusion, Turner Construction Company has officially signed the Department of Commerce’s Million Women in Construction (MWIC) Community Pledge. This initiative aims to significantly enhance the representation of women in the construction industry, a sector traditionally dominated by men. The pledge represents a pivotal moment in the industry’s ongoing efforts to foster an inclusive workforce and create opportunities for women to excel in construction careers.

1. Understanding the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge

The Million Women in Construction Community Pledge, spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Commerce, is a national initiative designed to address the gender imbalance in the construction industry. The pledge seeks to unite industry leaders, companies, and organizations in a concerted effort to recruit, retain, and advance women in construction roles. The overarching goal is to increase the number of women working in construction to one million by 2030.

This ambitious initiative encompasses a range of strategies and commitments, including:

  • Increasing Recruitment: Encouraging companies to actively recruit women for various roles in the construction industry, from on-site positions to management and leadership roles.
  • Retention and Advancement: Implementing policies and practices that support the career development and retention of women in the industry, such as mentorship programs, professional development opportunities, and family-friendly workplace policies.
  • Creating an Inclusive Culture: Fostering a work environment that values diversity and inclusion, where women feel respected, supported, and empowered to succeed.

2. Turner Construction Company: A Leader in the Industry

Turner Construction Company, founded in 1902 and headquartered in New York City, is a global leader in construction management and a prominent name in the industry. With a history of delivering high-profile projects and a reputation for excellence, Turner has long been committed to advancing industry standards and practices. The company’s involvement in the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge aligns with its core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Turner’s commitment to diversity is evident in its numerous initiatives and programs aimed at creating a more inclusive workforce. The company has established various employee resource groups, mentorship programs, and leadership development opportunities designed to support underrepresented groups within the organization. By signing the MWIC Community Pledge, Turner reaffirms its dedication to expanding these efforts and contributing to a broader industry-wide movement.

3. The Significance of Turner’s Commitment

Turner’s decision to sign the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge holds significant implications for both the company and the construction industry as a whole:

a. Promoting Gender Diversity

By committing to the MWIC pledge, Turner is taking a leading role in promoting gender diversity within the construction industry. The construction sector has historically faced challenges in attracting and retaining women, with women representing only a small fraction of the workforce. Turner’s participation in the pledge demonstrates its commitment to addressing these challenges and driving change by creating more opportunities for women in construction.

b. Setting an Industry Standard

Turner’s endorsement of the MWIC pledge sets a positive example for other companies in the industry. As one of the largest and most influential construction management firms, Turner’s involvement carries significant weight and influence. By publicly committing to the MWIC initiative, Turner encourages other firms to follow suit and prioritize diversity and inclusion in their own practices. This collective effort can drive industry-wide change and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive construction sector.

c. Enhancing Company Culture

Signing the MWIC pledge aligns with Turner’s broader efforts to cultivate an inclusive company culture. By focusing on increasing the representation of women in construction, Turner is reinforcing its commitment to creating a workplace where all employees feel valued and supported. This commitment not only benefits women within the company but also contributes to a more positive and collaborative work environment overall.

4. Strategies for Achieving the Pledge Goals

To meet the objectives outlined in the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge, Turner Construction Company will implement several key strategies:

a. Strengthening Recruitment Efforts

Turner will enhance its recruitment strategies to attract more women to the construction industry. This includes partnering with educational institutions, industry organizations, and community groups to promote construction careers to young women and students. Additionally, Turner will focus on creating inclusive job descriptions and leveraging diverse recruitment channels to reach a broader pool of candidates.

b. Expanding Mentorship and Development Programs

To support the retention and advancement of women in construction, Turner will expand its mentorship and professional development programs. These initiatives will provide women with guidance, support, and opportunities to develop their skills and advance their careers within the company. Turner will also establish networking opportunities and leadership training programs to help women succeed in various roles within the industry.

c. Implementing Inclusive Policies

Turner will review and update its workplace policies to ensure they are inclusive and supportive of women. This includes implementing family-friendly policies, flexible work arrangements, and initiatives that promote work-life balance. By creating a supportive work environment, Turner aims to retain talented women and enable them to thrive in their careers.

d. Measuring and Reporting Progress

To track progress towards the MWIC pledge goals, Turner will establish metrics and reporting mechanisms to measure the representation of women in various roles within the company. Regular reporting and analysis will help Turner assess the effectiveness of its strategies and identify areas for improvement. Transparency in reporting will also demonstrate Turner’s commitment to accountability and continuous improvement.

5. Broader Impact on the Industry

Turner’s involvement in the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge has broader implications for the construction industry:

a. Addressing the Skills Gap

The construction industry faces a significant skills gap, with a growing demand for skilled workers and a limited supply of qualified candidates. By increasing the representation of women in construction, the industry can tap into a larger talent pool and address the skills gap more effectively. Attracting and retaining women in construction roles not only helps fill critical positions but also brings diverse perspectives and skills to the workforce.

b. Enhancing Industry Reputation

The construction industry’s reputation has historically been affected by its lack of diversity and inclusion. Initiatives like the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge contribute to changing this perception by demonstrating the industry’s commitment to addressing gender disparities and promoting equality. As more companies, like Turner, embrace these initiatives, the industry’s reputation will continue to improve, attracting top talent and fostering a more positive work environment.

c. Fostering Innovation and Creativity

Diverse teams are known to drive innovation and creativity by bringing different perspectives and approaches to problem-solving. By increasing the representation of women in construction, the industry can benefit from a wider range of ideas and solutions, leading to more innovative and effective practices. Turner’s commitment to diversity aligns with this principle, enhancing the company’s ability to deliver cutting-edge solutions and stay competitive in the market.

6. Looking Forward: The Path Ahead

As Turner Construction Company embarks on this important journey with the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge, the path ahead will involve ongoing efforts and dedication. The company’s commitment to increasing the representation of women in construction is not only a significant step forward but also a call to action for the entire industry.

Turner will need to continuously evaluate and refine its strategies to ensure that they are effective in achieving the pledge’s goals. Collaboration with industry partners, educational institutions, and community organizations will be crucial in driving collective progress and creating a more inclusive construction sector.

The success of the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge relies on the active participation of companies, organizations, and individuals across the industry. Turner’s leadership in signing the pledge serves as a catalyst for change, inspiring others to join the movement and contribute to a more equitable and diverse construction workforce.


Turner Construction Company’s signing of the Department of Commerce’s Million Women in Construction Community Pledge represents a landmark moment in the industry’s efforts to promote gender diversity and inclusion. By committing to increase the representation of women in construction roles, Turner is taking a decisive step towards addressing historical imbalances and creating a more inclusive and dynamic workforce.

The impact of Turner’s commitment extends beyond the company itself, setting a positive example for the industry and contributing to broader societal change. As Turner and other industry leaders work towards achieving the goals of the MWIC pledge, the construction industry stands poised to benefit from a more diverse, innovative, and equitable workforce. This initiative not only enhances opportunities for women but also strengthens the industry as a whole, driving progress and excellence in construction for years to come.

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